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My Home Church – OpenDoor in Helena, AL

I currently attend, and invite you to do so as well.

Pastor Rusty Hosmer

We are: An equipping and mobilizing church where the love of God is shown and people are saved, healed, delivered, discipled, equipped and empowered to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in the world in which we live.

Diverse worship * Anointed teaching * Meaningful fellowship

Forged Men’s Ministry, a division of OpenDoor Church

We exist to help empower men to reach their God given potential, and to encourage them in their daily walk with Christ.
Our goal is to be an extension of the church. We do not intend to be a social group, nor will it be another Sunday School class.
We implore members to be active in both Sunday school to deepen their knowledge of the scriptures, and Church worship service, which will provide inspiration and guidance for their Christian journey.
We will work alongside both of these entities as encouragers, sounding boards, and often as accountability partners when needed.
While this group intends to be Bible based, and Christ centered, we want to avoid being “Churchy”, as this may push some people away.
We will strive to give Godly counsel, and will always submit to the leadership of the Church for direction.

Michael Hadden

Impacting the Kingdom – 

Impacting the Kingdom – 

Impacting the Kingdom – 

Impacting the Kingdom – 

Impacting the Kingdom – 

OpenDoor Church * 

OpenDoor Church * 

OpenDoor Church *